When can I touch my transplanted hair?

Touch my Hair After Hair Transplant in Bhubaneswar

man checking hair transplantDo you remember the feeling of buying new cloth or purchasing any new device? How eagerly do you just want it to be delivered on the same day of placing the order so that you can try it out? Just the way your order cannot be delivered on the same day of placing it as the order needs time to be prepared for the transit journey, likewise, is the situation of touching your hair after your surgical procedure.Irrespective of how badly you want to feel your newly implanted hairline and newly grafted roots on your empty balded scalp you should not do it. It is highly recommended by doctors that you should avoid touching or running your fingers through your head as it can sabotage the implantation and destroy the desired results. It is not like you cannot feel it your entire life but it needs a bit of gentle care in the initial post-surgery days.You need to be careful about not touching your head frequently and be extremely gentle and soft if it is required to be touched. You may find it very tempting to touch your newly grown hairs but it should not be done as it can dislodge the newly implanted grafts which can alter the results of the whole procedure. You need to wait for a week or less in the following days of your Hair Transplant in Bhubaneswar so that an appropriate amount of time is given to let it be fixed completely.

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