Are Hair Transplant Scars Permanent? - Alloroots Hair Transplant Clinic - India's Best Hair Transplant Services

As time progresses, the world is making continuous development in different sectors. Talking about the advancement in the medical sector, hair transplant as a surgical technique has been in the spotlight for quite a long time now. A hair transplant is a solution to many of those human concerns that once were treated as invincible but with developed techniques yielding successful results, the hope and wish to regain the cosmetic essence of beauty has reemerged. Nevertheless, since it is a new technique and also a complex one, there are many things unanswered or not so well understood by normal society. Progress and research are continuously under process and betterments to the procedures are being implemented each day. Nevertheless, common questions like the pain after the surgery, the donor-recipient compatibility, the replacement or side effects of hair transplant, and the scarring due to hair transplant continue to hold the place of doubt in human minds. Among all of these questions, scarring scares the most because majorly the cosmetic reason for which the transplant is being applied ironically becomes the reason for which the transplant shouldn’t have been done. 

Scarring is an unavoidable step when it comes to hair transplant and it depends on the type of transplant used. These two techniques are follicular unit excision and follicular unit transplantation. Several procedures are used to lessen or reduce the size of the scar created through follicular unit excision. Success is not guaranteed and some scarring is probably permanent. With the growth in age, your scalp starts to naturally sag which can make the scarring wider or more visible. One option to reduce scarring is to graft hair follicles into the follicle unit transplantation scar using alternative methods. This will make the whole treatment a lot more reasonable and cost-effective. Now, talking of expense, you can also consider affordable hair transplant costs in Bhubaneswar. The success of this procedure depends highly on the thickness of the initial scar. Scar tissues can also be thinned using education which is preferable in most cases. 

Scarring also depends on how well the transplant process has taken place and how professionally all the vital factors have been matched and checked before performing the surgical steps. There are also ways to conceal the scare and doing so cosmetically is also another option many people prefer because it does not involve the high involvement of doctors and experts and can be done using subtle precautions at home. Some scars like keloids are harder to conceal cosmetically than other scars. 

There are some surgical methods as well that can be used to deal with the problem of scarring like scalp micro pigmentation, tricopigmentation, and laser treatment. It shall be correct to say that scarring cannot be completely avoided in the process of hair transplant since it is an effect of the treatment procedure but with the right methods and precise treatment, the scarring area can be reduced to a very high extent. It is always advisable in such cases of medical actions to be a little cautious and seek medical assistance from experts even on these small steps. Permanent scarring can also occur in some cases if the hair transplantation procedure did not go precisely as planned.

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