Hair Transplant Guide - Alloroots Hair Transplant Clinic - India's Best Hair Transplant Services

Hair Transplant Guide

Hair Transplant Guide

Trust building is one of the strongest emotions that shapes your lifestyle. All that matters, whether to get a job or to face any problem in your life, is confidence. The first impression is no less strong than this; it stays there forever. Hairstyle plays an important role with confidence and good first impressions. One of the most noticed and judgment aspects about people is often that; thus, it needs to always be kept “ON POINT.”

Physically, hair is very crucial to protecting your scalp from sun and dust, plus to maintaining the body temperature. Emotionally, it has something to do with what a person is: what they look like outside as well as what it reflects to themself on their own person.

This guide will answer all your questions regarding hair, hair loss, and whether you’re a suitable candidate for a hair transplant.

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What is Hair & How Does It Grow?
Hair is composed of keratin, a tough protein produced in the body. The two primary components of hair are: the hair shaft and the hair follicle. The **hair shaft** is that part of hair visible on the scalp. While the hair follicle is tiny, narrow tube-like structure within the skin which promotes the growth of the hair shaft.

Hair growth can be compared to that of a plant in the soil, whereby the hair shaft, like the plant is its growth and form and shape, and the follicle is the soil because it provides the nutriments for the cell that is at its base; Hair grows from cells produced in the follicle from these cells continuously multiplying and rising upwards through the follicles out of which they manifest. Blood vessels nourish them, while other hormones complement hair growth.

The Hair Growth Cycle: 3 Stages

1. Anagen: In the anagen stage, new hair develops and pushes the old hair from the follicle outwards. In this stage, hair lasts for a total of 2-5 years, of which 80%-90% of hair on the scalp are growing.

2. Catagen: Catagen is the transitional phase, whereby hair growth slows down or stops completely because the follicle contracts. This takes approximately 2-3 weeks, during which time some 3% of follicles fall in this stage.

3. Telogen: This is the resting phase whereby follicles lie dormant and hair can drop out. It lasts around 100 days, by which time 10-15% of follicles fall within this stage.

Understanding Shedding vs. Hair Loss

Most people confuse shedding with hair loss; they are two rather different things. Shedding is a natural part of the hair growth cycle: every day, 50 to 100 hairs fall out as part of the regular process, and it most often occurs during brushing or washing. It is natural, because the old hair must be shed in order to let the new one grow, but when follicles do not produce new hair, or when the shedding is abnormal, it results in hair loss.

Hair loss can occur from nutritional imbalances, genetics, illness, and too much heat styling. An interruption in the regular cycle of hair growth often causes hair loss. More often than not, this loss can be reversed if one discovers the cause and treats it accordingly, but medical treatment becomes inevitable if the cause doesn’t go away.

 Critical Facts About the Hair Cycle

-A normal cycle results in a loss of between 50-100 hairs.
-Men above the age of 40 start losing hair that is noticeable by 55%.
Genes are involved in about 95% of all cases.
Hormones that cause hair loss are responsible for other conditions like acne and oily skin.

Hair follicles go through 25-30 cycles of growth in a lifetime. When the rate of these cycles is accelerated, it leads to androgenetic alopecia, or baldness. The primary cause is an imbalance of hormones that make hair transition faster to the telogen (resting) phase, eventually making the hair weak in quality. Gradually, the growth cycle slows down, and the follicle is unable to produce good quality keratin, hence resulting in less hair growth. Eventually, this cycle will exhaust, and hair cannot grow further.

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss affects the both genders, though usually more common and obvious among men.

Androgenetic Alopecia The most common cause of hair loss and balding is usually hereditary. More than 90 percent of the people with this hair loss problem experience ‘Andro’ hormone changes as an inherited characteristic from their parent.

An androgen hormone is involved in androgenetic alopecia. Increased hyperactivity of the androgen hormone raises the chance of shortening the hair cycle, which therefore postpones new hair growth. The hair follicles then shrink in size and continue producing finer hair that could be almost imperceptible, and with lesser pigmentation, too. Those having the genetic marker tend to lose their hair more.

This condition is manifested as male and female pattern hair loss or male pattern baldness in Androgenetic Alopecia. It can start at any time after puberty and gets more progressive with age.

Hair loss can also be a temporary response to a trigger, where shedding generally increases 2-4 months after the trigger and may continue for several months. Certain triggers may necessitate medical intervention to reverse.

Reversible Hair Loss Triggers include:
1. Stress: Stress is the main cause of hair loss. If you already suffer from hair loss, then stress can increase it.
2. Bad Diet: A diet with no or less nutritional requirements, especially protein, delays the growth of hair follicles.
3. Smoking: Smoking decreases oxygen in the blood and increases carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas when it reaches the scalp, as it kills hair follicles.
4. Hormonal Imbalance: Certain instances of hormonal imbalances may be temporary, for example, thyroid problems, estrogen increase and decrease when women are pregnant, delivery or menopause. Diseases or Infections: The number of hair loss caused by conditions such as eczema, skin infections or trauma is also at high percentages.

What If You Are Losing Your Hair?
Overall health can be maintained to prevent hair loss. A balanced diet, quitting smoking, and managing stress can reverse or reduce hair loss without further intervention.

The diagnosis will tell whether the treatment you will undergo is going to work for you. Many have passed through different treatments with no correct diagnosis, thereby wasting money on useless products. With an accurate diagnosis, you will save yourself time, money, and also save your hair.

Alloroots provides customized treatment plans that suit the needs of each individual based on sound medical experience. Alloroots will deliver an accurate diagnosis, answer all your questions, and lead you towards the most appropriate treatment options ensuring every penny invested will be put toward the right solution.

Telogen Effluvium : Reactive Hair Loss and Its Causes

According to many mainstream trichologists and hairstylists, the case of reactive hair loss, such as Telogen Effluvium (TE) is on the rise. This is because thinning or shedding hair is a perfectly normal phase of the life cycle of hair, whereas excessive shedding, especially amongst the young, is taking place in increasing numbers these days. TE occurs because more hair follicles transition into the telogen (or resting) phase of hair growth cycles, which has been commonly induced by a sort of “shock” to the follicles.

Modern life is characterized by adoption of restricted diets and high social as well as professional stress. Hair thinning has thus emerged as a common issue caused due to these factors. In this article, let’s look at Telogen Effluvium: the causes, preventive measures, and possible treatments.

What is Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen Effluvium is one type of hair loss wherein the top scalp area has a tendency for women. Hair falling tends to rise at places where most the hair follicles get an entry into telogen and hence they eventually cause extensive hair fall. For hairstylists, it would really be tough for diagnosing TE since people could find hair loss on other part of their heads many months after significant lifestyle changes or even significant diet change.

What causes Telogen Effluvium

There might be following cases-

High-stress condition
– Stress
– Disease or infection
– Diet poor, lacking protein, nutrients, and minerals.

Reverse TE by reevaluating the circumstances over a period of three months or more. Some stressful situation may have occurred, some disease, or diet was severely altered.

Prevention and Treatment of Telogen Effluvium

To avoid or cure TE:
1. Diet must be full of proteins and other nutrients.
2. Careful nutrition, do not let your hair fall off.
3. Reduce stress levels and healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly.
4. Get accurate TE diagnosis before one starts treatment.
5.Visit a dermatologist or hair specialist to diagnose before self-prognosis that may mislead a lot.

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

This typically happens differently in women and occasionally with more emotional disturbances as it happens. Stress from pregnancy, an illness, or in itself can result in transient loss and thinning of hairs on the scalp. Then, there is **Androgenetic Alopecia,**, which is a permanently inducing hereditary condition with losses.

Female Baldness Patterns:
Hair all over the scalp become generally thin, but becomes thinnest at the rear.
Hair at front, that normally remains thicker, becomes mainly sparse.
General thinning behind a receding hairline.

The treatment requires a diagnosis from a hair restoration specialist. Untreated female pattern hair loss will advance to more severe thinning.

Psychological Effects of Hair Loss

Hair loss can have a huge impact on self-esteem and even confidence. It crosses social life to profession. According to the studies, hair loss causes anxiety, social retraction, and even consciousness. Statistics indicate that 40% of women say relationship issues are due to hair loss, and 63% of men relate work-related issues to hair loss.

Professional treatment can help recover both confidence and self-image.

 Hair Transplantation Techniques: FUT, FUE, and DHI

The right hair transplant method and provider are keys to natural results and healthy donor sites. Below, we describe the Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), and DHI methods and why Alloroots is the best.

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)

In FUT, a thin strip is removed at the lower back of the scalp. The hair follicles in this strip are subdivided and implanted in the area that is thinning. While this procedure is economic and time-effective, noticeable scarring and discomfort afterward occur.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE: In this procedure, tiny round cuts are done around the hair follicle, and it is then removed. It can either be a hand where the doctor does it or a machine that will do all the work for you. Healing time 2-3 weeks. Scarring is usually not as noticeable as compared to the FUT procedure.

In both FUT and FUE, holes are made to accept the grafts; implantation usually is a job done by a technician, and this aspect can contribute to the death of the follicle.

DHI: Latest Hair Transplant Technique for Most Natural Outcome

DHI is an advanced, minimally invasive hair transplant technique for attaining the most natural outcome. Here is what sets DHI apart from other techniques:

  • Minimally Invasive Extraction: DHI uses a refined, micro-FUE technique with minute 1mm or less punches for extracting individual hair follicles without cutting the skin. This ensures that the damage is minimal on the scalp and adjacent tissue, which thus results in high-quality outcomes.
  • Hypothermosol Storage: The extracted follicles are stored in Hypothermosol, which is the same solution used during organ transplants. Hypothermosol maximizes the survival and growth rate of follicles to as high a level as possible. This ensures that they stay viable until the day of implantation.
  • Precision Implantation: Hair follicles will be implanted directly into the scalp with control over depth, direction, and angle using the DHI Implanter. This results in very natural-looking hair without having to make pre-made recipient holes like in traditional methods. It has high density.

DHI method is standardized, efficient, hair transplantation with comfort without scarring and guaranteed natural results.

Telogen Effluvium: Reactive Hair Loss and Its Causes

Many of the leading trichologists as well as hair specialists share the observation that the ratio of reactive hair loss, technically known as Telogen Effluvium (TE), is on a rise. Hair thinning and some shedding are part and parcel of the hair growth cycle but excessive hair shedding, of course, especially among the youngsters, is becoming increasingly seen. TE is said to occur when more hair follicles than normal enter their telogen, or resting, phase of the cycle of hair growth, presumably as a result of one kind of “shock” to the follicle.

With lifestyle changes, many tend to have more restricted diets and experience a lot of social and professional stress. This is why hair thinning has become increasingly common. In this article, let’s discuss Telogen Effluvium: its causes, preventive measures, and treatments.

 What is Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen effluvium is one of the types of hair loss and usually takes place on the scalp top. It is mostly prevalent in women. In this disease, more follicles than usual enter the telogen phase, resulting in excessive hair shedding. The diagnosis of TE can sometimes be challenging for hair professionals because hair shedding may occur months after a great change in life or diet.

Causes of Telogen Effluvium:

– Too much stress, Shock ,Disease or infection Unbalanced diet, especially an unbalanced diet that does not contain protein, nutrient, and minerals.

Teatment of TE include considering the activities of about three months ago, such as a stressful event, being ill, or having diet drastically changed.

Prevention and Treatment of Telogen Effluvium

Prevention or treatment of TE:
1. Your diet should be rich in proteins and other essential nutrients
2. Concentrate taking of nutrients to prevent falling of hair.
3. Reduce stress levels and maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise.
4. Get an accurate TE diagnosis before starting any treatment plan.
5. Get a hair specialist to diagnose TE rather than self-diagnosing.


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