When can I touch my transplanted hair?

When can I touch my transplanted hair? Touch my Hair After Hair Transplant in Bhubaneswar Do you remember the feeling of buying new cloth or purchasing any new device? How eagerly do you just want it to be delivered on the same day of placing the order so that you can try it out? Just […]
How long does recovery take after Hair Transplant Surgery?

How long does recovery take after Hair Transplant Surgery? Time Taken after Hair Transplant Surgery in Bhubaneswar When it comes to any medical or surgical treatment which you are undergoing it is normal to have queries about when will it become back to normal again or how long is it going to take you to […]
How can I restore my hair loss?

How can I restore my hair loss? Hair loss is not always a big issue as long as it is leading towards baldness or an extreme amount of hair fall. Sometimes it is natural to have hair fall but it can become really serious which can cause baldness or empty scalp areas. There are many […]
What are the side effects of hair transplants?

What are the side effects of hair transplants? Side Effects of Hair Transplant There is no doubt that hair transplant surgery works like a magic for anyone who is trying to get their good hair days back. It is proven over time that it is simply a wonder how your empty scalp and lost hair […]
Is it good to go for a hair transplant?

Is it good to go for a hair transplant? Hair transplant surgery is a very critical process medically. It requires a lot of expertise to deal with patients as every patient’s case is unique so you need to be very particular about the treatment. It involves shifting your own hairs from your body or some […]