Can Hair Transplant Cause Cancer?

Can hair transplant cause cancer can hair transplant cause cancer No there is no scientific evidence to support this Learn about the facts side effects and considerations for cancer patients seeking hair restoration

Baldness is one of the most lementable problems that occupy people’s minds since it affects one’s appearance and self-esteem. It is therefore for those who are suffering from hair loss that hair transplant surgery is deemed as the most effective as well as the permanent technique. Therefore, in addition to incredible success, various myths and myths are broadcasted on the Internet, perhaps the most dangerous of which is that hair transplantation can lead to cancer.

In this posting, we will look at facts to debunk these myths, examine the possible complications of hair transplant and discuss the issues regarding cancer and hair transplant surgery.

There are many association myths circulating the performances of hair transplants including, do hair transplants cause cancer?

In simple terms, no, and this is because there are no scientific substantiations, and clinical trials to support theories of hair transplants working or leading to cancer. The misconception that hair transplants are causative agents of cancer stems from misconceptions about the hair transplantation technique as well as cancer.

Hair transplant surgery, whether it is done through FUT or FUE, requires surgery in which healthy follicles are taken from the donor area, most commonly the back and the side of the head, and transplanted to the balding areas. Hair transplantation surgery is least invasive surgery carried out only on the upper layer of the scalp targeting both hair follicles and skin.

Cancer is a multi-step disease which primarily involves change in cells genetics and are caused by certain carcinogens like Radiation X rays, smoking, improper diet, and heredity factors. There are no deep tissue layers in hair transplantation where such mutations showably exist or exposure to cancer inducing exposures in the transplant procedure.

Understanding the Side Effects of Hair Transplants

Although hair transplants do not in any way cause cancer, like any other surgery, hair transplant surgery does come with some risks and possible complication. However, such kinds of side effects are normally negligible and of short duration as long as the surgery is conducted by a professional surgeon. Now let it be discussed of the common side effects of the hair transplant surgery.

  1. Swelling and Bleeding
    Some of the minor complications noticeable after the hair transplant include slight swelling and sometimes bleeding of the donor and recipient sites. During the process there is making of small holes in the scalp to place the hair follicles; this makes the patient bleed slightly. After the surgery, there can be swelling on the areas around face especially on the forehead and eye region. More often than not these symptoms it will only last for a couple of days.

  2. Shedding
    One of the worst things that patients should know is the fact that hair transplant results are not instantly visible. In fact, getting to know that, those hair that were transplanted are expected to shed within the first few weeks after the transplant. This loss of hair is normal and a part of the hair growing cycle which is referred to as ‘shock loss,’ where the hair strand falls off so that new hair can grow from the new follicle that is prepared and transplanted behind the existing hair line. New hair usually emerges within 3 to 4 months in human beings after the hair is stimulated.

  3. Nerve Damage
    Hair transplant Patients may at times feel a temporary feeling of numbness or occurrence of tingle sensations on the scalp after the surgery this could be as a result of Anesthesia or rarely irritation of the nerves due to the surgery. It is uncommon to have this numb feeling and normally should self-remise within several weeks to months depending on the healing process of the scalp.
  4. Folliculitis
    Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin Itching and inflammation of hair follicles are usually seen after hair transplantation . It is manifested in grafted area with pink, small nodules that may be itchy. This condition usually results from poor hygiene or bacteria getting into the follicles when they are healing. Folliculitis is normally not severe and may be controlled by using antibiotics or topical ointments given by your surgeon.
  5. Infection
    Usually there are small odds of developing an infection, which is typical of any surgery. This risk is well managed if the surgery is done aseptically using and expert surgeon. Thus, proper post-operative care should be taken such as taking antibiotics that has been recommended by the doctor in order to avoid getting an infection.
  6. Dermal Cysts
    At times, small cysts may surround the transplanted hair follicles which is called dermal cyst. These are normally asymptomatic and manifests clinically as multiple, smooth, round nodules just beneath the skin. Normally, they disappear on their own or if needed can be managed.

What Are the Possible Long Term Complication Associated with Hair Transplants?

Some of the repercussions associated with hair transplant surgeries are as follows: SHORT TERM EFFECTS. However, there also may be some long-term consequences such as scars or, for example, different hair thickness. Such problems are mostly linked with the abilities of the particular surgeon along with the type of surgery performed on the patient.

Careful selection of a hair transplant surgeon and ensuring that he or she is experienced and competent will go along way into reducing the occurrence of complications in the long run. Furthermore, to avoid complications, complications and maintain the outcomes and get a natural result the aftercare instructions need to be followed accordingly.

What About Short-Term Effects?

However, after the hair transplant, one may be able to develop conditions that are as follows; Swelling, discomfort, numbness, and minor infections in the short-term. After Operation, the donor area that is the area from where hair follicles are extracted may develop scabs and this must be tended to to avoid profuse bleeding. Scalp shampoos and lotions can be recommended at this stage to avoid formation of scabs and improve on the healing process when these products are used as advised by the doctors.

Can Cancer Patients Get a Hair Transplant?

Hair loss is known to affect many cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy among other treatments. As would be expected, most cancer survivors seek natural ways of regrowing hair once they are done with their treatment. However, for cancer patients, hair transplant may seem like a good idea but can it be safe for them to do so?

I suppose the answer is yes, but let’s take into account certain conditions. If they wish to have hair transplant they can do so when the cancer treatment is over he or she is already in remission and they possess healthy donor area. Nonetheless, one needs to discuss the issue with both the oncologist and the hair transplant surgeon to be sure that the patient’s body is ready for the surgery, and there are no effects left from the previous cancer therapy.

In this line, certain measures that should be taken when patient have cancer but want to undertake hair transplant are as follows:

Precautions for Cancer Patients Considering a Hair Transplant

If you have a history of cancer and are considering a hair transplant, there are some essential precautions to take to ensure the safest outcome:If you have a history of cancer and are considering a hair transplant, there are some essential precautions to take to ensure the safest outcome:

  1. Consult with Your Oncologist- Therefore, anyone contemplating a hair transplant should make sure that he meets his oncologist first. It enables them to diagnose your general health condition, and decide whether your body is healthy enough for the surgery, given the diseases that you might have been diagnosed with, or treatments that might have been carried out to you.
  2. Select a board-certified hair transplantation specialist – When a competent surgeon considers doing FUT, he or she will examine your scalp to check whether there are enough good donor hairs and if there are contraindications based on past surgeries or scarring from skin tumor removal.
  3. Regular Follow-Ups – Your dermatologist and oncologist both should keep apprised of your skin health and any possible issues with the skin should be reported as soon as possible.
  4. Timing – Depending on the treatment used in your cancer treatment there could be some restrictions as to when a hair transplant is advisable. Ask your oncologist and your hair transplant surgeon as to how long each phase should take to be optimally beneficial.


In conclusion, it can be said about hair transplants that they do not cause cancer in any way. Hair transplantation is a medical procedure that helps the people with baldness to have hair and when is done under a doctor, it is not a risky operation.

If you are interested in hair transplant for hair loss issue or after cancer treatment, getting to know the reality about hair transplant will be helpful. At Alloroots, you will be accessing the most professional service with the use of modern techniques to provide you with natural-looking hairs that will make you gain the confidence you need.

Get in touch with Alloroots today if you are thinking of getting a hair transplant and transforming your life from your scalp hair loss situation.

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Can hair transplant cause cancer can hair transplant cause cancer No there is no scientific evidence to support this Learn about the facts side effects and considerations for cancer patients seeking hair restoration

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